Szkolenia dla menadżerów, dyrektorów, kadry zarządzającej – FIG Polska

About the company

We support Boards of Directors in their efforts to develop their organizations and achieve better and better financial results.

For 27 years we have built a strong position in strategic consulting for businesses and education for TOP Management.


About the company

We support Boards of Directors in their efforts to develop their organizations and achieve better and better financial results.

For 27 years we have built a strong position in strategic consulting for businesses and education for TOP Management.

Among FIG Poland's clients are more than 31,000 management representatives from more than 2,000 companies - 60% of which are on the TOP 500 list of the largest companies in Poland according to "Rzeczpospolita".

reprezentantów kadry zarządzającej
największych przedsiębiorstw
management representatives
the largest enterprises

Our clients represent a variety of company sizes, industries and strategies. They all share a strong passion for business and a desire to succeed, which is why we have consistently supported their growth for 27 years.

FIG Poland's practical experience in management consulting, combined with our training methodology, is our great asset. We prepare interdisciplinary management teams on the client's side to develop and implement the strategy, as well as to implement the tools that will support its implementation. This allows us to carry out the most cost-optimal consulting projects for clients.

Francuski Instytut Gospodarki Polska

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Szkolenia dla menadżerów, dyrektorów, kadry zarządzającej – FIG Polska

Polskiej Izby Firm Szkoleniowych

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Francusko-Polskiej Izby Gospodarczej

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Szkolenia dla menadżerów, dyrektorów, kadry zarządzającej – FIG Polska

The French Institute of Economy Poland is a member of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies and the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce

Quality management

Quality - the only differentiator that constantly builds the value of the company. That is why we take a number of measures to ensure that the quality of consulting services and training programs meets the needs of our clients and inspires them to change for the better.

ISO 9001-2015 Quality Certificate
We carry out training and consulting projects in accordance with the implemented quality management system ISO 9001-2015. We are one of the first companies in Poland to offer services based on this certification (since 2008).
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How do we ensure and maintain quality?

Knowledge Development Center

Our Center for Knowledge Development (CRW) oversees the level of content and didactic effectiveness. The CRW follows the development of classical tools and the latest trends in strategic, financial and marketing management, and develops its own proprietary solutions.

CRW forms a team of experts and consultants. They build training and workshop programs from scratch. They update the knowledge transferred during classes, prepare training materials and develop tools for direct use by clients in their companies. The CRW team also ensures the continuous development of the substantive and didactic competencies of the trainers.

Monitoring the satisfaction of the most demanding customers

The quality of training programs and the level of instructors are verified on the basis of constant monitoring of about 1,000 satisfaction surveys per year. Evaluations of the training programs and materials, the way the classes are conducted are given by their Participants - top managers of domestic and international companies, graduates of renowned universities, successful in management.

Classroom methodology

We transfer the best practices in business education to Poland, basing the model on the experience of renowned Western business schools.

Workshop character of classes (as much as 60 percent of class time is devoted to individual or group tasks).

The variety of applied didactic methods such as: multimedia presentations, case studies, individual and sub-group exercises, "brainstorming", situational scenarios, simulation games and discussions guaranteeing the involvement of all Participants foster the acquisition of new skills.

Intimate workshop groups allow for the exchange of experiences between Participants, as well as analysis of situations they most often encounter in management practice.

Selective recruitment of expert management practitioners

The selection of expert instructors with extensive experience and professional successes guarantees the highest substantive and didactic level of the classes. The dominant group of Participants in the workshop training is top management.

Therefore, we invite experienced business practitioners, heads of companies, experienced consultants, entrepreneurs who stand out in the market with their achievements.

In addition to the effects of work, an extremely important criterion for the selection of trainers-experts are didactic predispositions and the ability to transfer knowledge and lessons learned in an understandable and interesting way. Trainers impart and systematize knowledge, and also act as advisors.

The annual satisfaction survey of Workshop Training Participants shows that, on average, more than 85% of respondents indicate that the effect of their participation in FIG Poland's classes was the development of their skills and, above all, the use of knowledge and tools in practice to improve the operation of companies (i.e., increase revenues, reduce costs, improve financial performance, reduce business risks, etc.).

Satisfaction surveys indicate that FIG Poland training participants appreciate:

"Up-to-date" programs tailored to the current needs of executives
Selection of case studies from Polish business practice
Above-average experience of trainers - business practitioners
Interesting topics included in MBA programs offered by top business schools
Use of tools and solutions proven during the implementation of consulting projects by the consulting department of FIG Poland
Consistently high repeatability of training quality
Classroom methodology tailored to management expectations

Information - Inspiration - Integration

The 3I model is a tangible benefit offered to participants of FIG Poland workshop training courses

Participants develop skills in the latest management methods. The topics of the training courses offered by FIG Poland are carefully selected and arranged in a coherent logical program.
We engage and inspire participants to implement the learned management tools and methods in their companies. During the classes, participants receive a number of tools, formats, analysis models and ready-made solutions tested during consulting projects implemented by FIG Poland.
Participants take part in active networking. Thanks to the intimate training group (the number of participants does not exceed a dozen people), the classes become a forum for exchanging knowledge and experience between the participants and the expert conducting the class.

Maintaining contact with FIG Poland experts and other participants is facilitated, among other things, by our profile on the business platform

Why work with FIG Poland?

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We specialize in strategic consulting for Boards of Directors and TOP Management in the construction and implementation of corporate development strategies.

We are a leader on the Polish market in the implementation of Balanced Scorecard and KPI systems.

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In our work with clients, we try not to impose our solutions, but work them out together with the client.

"We build a 'winning team' by combining know-how with the Client's knowledge and experience."

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Our emphasis is on developing out-of-the-box solutions that translate into tangible value for Clients:

"We believe that we create value for the Customer only when we offer unconventional solutions that build their competitive advantages!"

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We have our own proven, effective and flexible methods of implementing consulting projects. We have perfected them over the years so that they better fit the needs and organizational culture of a given enterprise.

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Our consultants are experts - business practitioners, former heads of enterprises and professional advisors with extensive experience and professional success. They have a coaching background and can efficiently manage projects.

Contact us

Francuski Instytut Gospodarki Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Filtrowa 75 / 5, 02-032 Warszawa

NIP: 5251562318

KRS: 0000159975

REGON: 012323640

© All rights reserved: FIG Polska 2023
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